Sunday 4 September 2011

Teachers Day - A letter from my Professor Dr.Shashidharan Nair for being one of the top achievers 2003!

Teachers Day - A letter from my Professor Dr.Shashidharan Nair for being one of the top achievers 2003!

Dr. C.K.Shashidharan Nair - Professor, PSG College of Technology.
Friend, Well-wisher, admirer

Dear Rajkumar,

This is in the context of the recognition that you have got for your achievements!
Surely, this speaks more of my knowledge of you as a person whom i have known for so many years. This recognition may be considered as a confirmation of all that i thought about you as one of the various milestones..i always wished for you...for surely you deserve the best!

There comes a point in a relationship where words cannot describe what one really wishes to communicate. 

I find that my vocabulary is not growing as fast as the depth of my appreciation of your quallities!

Each time you come to meet me, i am awed by your humility, sincerity and much so that i find it very hard to connect the person sitting in front of me with the achiever of whom i hear so much! The awards, recognition, popularity have only helped you become a better human being and i am sure that you climb higher and higher. You will alwayskeep in touch with your roots! You will derive strength and nourishment from your roots. 

Life never rests....Our journey is never complete. When we climb up one flight of stairs we see the next....we have to go on...Age, time, place can never be an excuse to give up.....we can take a few short breaks now and then....but we can never give up!

For most part we travel alone...when we can reach out to someone, we help them stand on their feet and move on...but finally we all have to be on our feet. There are no palanquins for those who have chosen these paths. But the thrill of discovering oneself has no substitute! 

Move on dear friend, tread suerly carefully, with care and trust. 
The road is as important as the destination!

May the lord be with you!

June 13, 2003 

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