Sunday 22 January 2012


feedback on ballpen

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pattabi raman
Message flagged Sunday, 22 January 2012 8:09 PM
Dear Rajkumar,these are my feedback

1. Light- After many years, i had the True feel of ambient Light in this movie. Especially the shot when 3 boys walk into that village during mid night.
The reddish feel of north karnataka is 100 % perfect. As i have photographed koppal, hubli, hampi areas for my stories, i could really feel it. SO U HAVE SUCCEEDED AS A CINEMATOGRAPHER IN BRINGING TRUE MOOD THAT MATCH THE GIVEN SCRIPT.Only after watching the movie i hear from u that u have improvised ur own light. so GREAT!!!!!!!
(Also the best thing is that u have avoided Filters

2. Second best thing is ur effective way of controlling the vacant space. Especially those shot inside the rooms of that ashram. (controlling space filled with visual elements is comparatively easy)

3.The contrasting mood (ashram ambience and rustic north karnataka) goes well- the same thing was well handled in AIYSHA. (2 moods-bright and dull).

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