Wednesday 14 August 2013

Flowers of War- chinese film review

Zhang Yimou's ''FLOWERS OF WAR''- A war film combines visual wizardry of ''saving private ryan & ''Hero''..based on Nanjing massacre brutal war led by Japanese on China.
Zhang yimou narrates story of'' American'' saving Group of chinese girl students & prostitutes seeking refuge at Church.
Highlight of the film is magical performance by Christine Bale..and of course some extraordinary images from cinematographer -zhao Xio ding.
Movie moves with horrifying images of brutal war with a touch of human drama.
Zhang Yimou should have made this as good as ''Gone with Wind''..marginally fails because of his visual poetry film suffers pain that ''most brutal massacre of Nanjing'' should be.. as in real history.

Film nominated for best foriegn language -Golden Globe Awards.

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