Tuesday 7 January 2014

Met Pc sir!

Met Master Filmmaker Pc Sreeram sir this morning! Gave my books Asaiyum Padam and "Pixel" to him. Conversing with him was a complete learning experience (Literature, Cinema(Lucia, Reader), Technology, Charlie Chaplin....)! Thank you for your valuable time PC sir!

Sunday 5 January 2014

Pixel - Digital Cinematography book launched on 04-01-2014! Prasad Lab Theatre; 6 pm.

Director Stanly

Director Ganesh Babu

Director Natty Kumar


Producer Raj Gajendra
Publisher Vediyappan

Director Kamalakannan

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Actor Erode Mahesh

Shivaji sir, Vijay Armstrong

Discovery Book Palace NA Srinivasan

"Pixel" Launched!
Part of the crowd!

Historian Film News Anandhan!

Cinematographer/Dir. R.Velraj

Actor Taman Kumar

Prasad Lab Operations Manager Mr.Shivaraman

Balu Mahendra sir
SAC sir

Director Nalan Kumarasamy

Cinematographer Vijay Milton, Publisher Vediappan